How do I skip Signature Capture for low value transactions?

Posted: Aug 31, 2015

  1. Go to the Cart screen.Cart Screen
  2. Tap the Menu icon on the top-left corner to go the Settings section.Settings
  3. Tap the Signature Capture row to go to the ‘Skip Signature for Low Value Transactions’ screen.Skip Signature
  4. For Swiped and Manual Entry Transactions: Tap the first ‘Skip Signature for $XX.XX or less’ slider to toggle between ON and OFF. When set to ON, you will not be asked to capture customer’s signature for a swiped/manual entry transaction with total amount of $XX.XX or less.
  5. For Contactless Transactions: Tap the first ‘Skip Signature for $XX.XX or less’ slider to toggle between ON and OFF. When set to ON, you will not be asked to capture customer’s signature for a contactless transaction with total amount of $XX.XX or less.