How do I upload offline transactions for authorization?

Posted: Aug 31, 2015

Please note: Offline mode is only supported in ROAMpayX Version 4.4 and earlier

Once a sale has been created in offline mode it must be uploaded to the processor for authorization. There are two ways to do this:

Individual Uploads

  1. Go to the Cart screen.

Cart Screen

  1. Tap the Menu icon on the top-left corner to go the Settings section.


  1. Ensure the Stay Offline slider is set to OFF.
  2. Tap Transaction History.
  3. Tap the Offline Only button.
  4. Tap the transaction to upload.
  5. Tap Upload Transaction.

The selected transaction will be uploaded.

Bulk Upload

  1. Sign-out of ROAMpay X4.
  2. Sign-in to ROAMpay X4.
  3. You will be shown the following notification.

Offline Upload

  1. Tap Upload.