How do I enable/disable collection of Zip and/or CVV for manually entered transactions?

Posted: Aug 31, 2015

  1. Go to the Cart screen.Cart Screen
  2. Tap the Menu icon on the top-left corner to go the Settings section.Settings
  3. Tap the Advanced Security row.
  4. You will now be presented with the following screen:
  5. Collect Cardholder Zip Code: Tap the slider on the Cardholder Zip Code row to toggle between ON and OFF.
    • If set to ON, you will be required to enter cardholder’s Zip Code when running a manually entered transaction.
    • If set to OFF, you will not be asked for cardholder’s Zip Code when running a manually entered transaction
  6. CVV: Tap the slider on the CVV row to toggle between ON and OFF.
    • If set to ON, you will be required to enter CVV when running a manually entered transaction.
    • If set to OFF, you will not be asked to enter CVV when running a manually entered transaction.